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T.J. Younger Appearances Talk

T.J. Younger was the second President of Earth elected after the formation of the World Government. He succeeded Nikita Bandranaik in 2067.


He was born in Australia forty-seven years prior to 2067 and served as a Senator at the World Security Council representing the Australasian states for a long time. In 2057, he was elected senator for Mars and three years later became the vice-chairman of the World Government, deputy to the Vice President.

Following the resignation of Nikita Bandranaik due to ill health, Younger was "overwhelmingly" chosen as the new World President (PROSE: Information Service) in the November elections of 2066. (PROSE: Solar Streak A.O.K.) He officially took office after January 2067. (COMIC: Fireball XL5)

On 29 April, Younger hosted a ceremony at the World Senate in which military and civil leaders paid tribute to the courage and ability of Colonel Steve Zodiac, (PROSE: World Mourns Dead Space Hero) who was believed killed while patrolling the Astran border. (PROSE: Mars Ship Hi-Jacked) Younger posthumously presented the Golden Accolade, the World Government's highest award for valour, to Air Marshal Steve Zodiac, the dead hero's father. He was quoted as saying "Colonel Zodiac was the type of man we all dream of being. We have lost a legendhistory has gained a human monument of 2067". (PROSE: World Mourns Dead Space Hero)

In 2068, he attended the final celebration of humanity's victory in the Mysteron War on Cloudbase, following six months of Mysteron inactivity after Captain Scarlet's successful destruction of their city. At this function, Younger stated Spectrum had performed so well that there was no longer any need for it to exist as a separate organisation, thus announcing its dissolution. Colonel White joined the President's staff in Unity City, though Younger soon chose him to become the new ambassador to Astra when his predecessor hit the Kaplan. Sometime later, it became clear that the Mysterons' defeat had been a clever ruse and that they posed an imminent threat to Earth. After hearing a report from General Downside on the losing battle, Younger and the rest of the World Security Council quickly decided to reform Spectrum, with Younger himself immediately recalling Ambassador Grey from Astra. He then arranged for Captains Scarlet and Blue to be retrieved from Andromeda and for Spectrum's specialist vehicles to be gotten back from the World Army and the Universal Secret Service. (COMIC: Traitor Black Gives In!)

Behind the scenes[]

President Younger was later stated by TV Century 21 to be the same unnamed World President who recurred in multiple episodes of Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons.
