The Sydney Opera House was a large venue hall located in Sydney, Australia.
While outwardly appearing to be an opera house, the building was in fact a Zalphon mothership. On 15 July, 1979, the Tenth Doctor foiled a Zalphon invasion of Earth by directing the Zalphon ship to Antarctica, where the ectoplasmic species would freeze into ice crystals. (PROSE: Bennelong Point) Since the building has been documented in Sydney after this date, it was likely rebuilt.
The Seventh Doctor wasn't sure if he preferred the bridge or the opera house. (AUDIO: Terror of the Sontarans)
The Eleventh Doctor took Kazran Sardick and Abigail Pettigrew here when he was giving Kazran memories of Abigail. (TV: A Christmas Carol)
Garron was forced to leave Earth when he refused to sell the Opera House to a wealthy Arab. (TV: The Ribos Operation)

The Sydney Opera House during the reign of the Monks. (TV: The Lie of the Land)
It was visible when the Twelfth Doctor, Nardole and Bill Potts visited Australia. (TV: The Pilot)
The Monks erected a statue beside the Opera House during their invasion of Earth. (TV: The Lie of the Land)
Behind the scenes[]
The Sydney Opera House has been the real world venue for the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular, a performance of Doctor Who music by The Metropolitan Orchestra.