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Swimming pool

A swimming pool was a container filled with water used for swimming.

The Doctor's TARDIS had at least one swimming pool, (TV: The Invasion of Time, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS) which was Olympic-sized, (PROSE: Loving the Alien) and at times as many as two. (AUDIO: White Ghosts)

Jack Harkness used the swimming pool at Pontyvale Golf Course to electrocute a Craktor. (COMIC: Ma and Par)

The top floor of Paradise Towers had a swimming pool, video surveillance of which was forbidden by express command of the Great Architect. (TV: Paradise Towers)

Non-gravity swimming pools were found on leisure planets like Abydos and Limnos 4. (TV: The Leisure Hive) In a non-gravity swimming pool, one could dive upwards or downwards into or out of the pool. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Leisure Hive)

Tracy Island swimming pool

The Tracy Island swimming pool. (TV: The Man from MI.5)

Tracy Island had a swimming pool. (TV: The Man from MI.5)

Dark Space 8 had a swimming pool. Melanie Bush and Nicky Newman used it during their visit there. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!)

Rose Tyler sarcastically noted that Sanctuary Base 6 didn't have a swimming pool when Danny Bartock began listing viruses capable of killing Ood that they didn't have at their disposal. (TV: The Satan Pit)

River Song ditched a family holiday in her grandfather's caravan to enjoy being waited on at a poolside by a buff, two-headed alien. (COMIC: Summer Wholiday)

The Beano Summer Special 1981

Dolphinarium in The Beano Summer Special 1981. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

At least on Earth, Olympic swimming records were challenged in Olympic-sized pools. (PROSE: Father Time)

In The Beano Summer Special 1981, a fictional swimming pool called 'Dolphinarium' could be seen, with Dennis the Menace and a black dog above it. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

Pool (Supergirl Meets E.T

A pool in the back garden of a house. (WC: Supergirl Meets E.T.)

A house flown above by E.T. on a red flying machine resembling a phone had a pool in its back garden. (WC: Supergirl Meets E.T.)
