Stun guns were energy weapons capable of rendering the victim unconscious.
Torchwood Three utilised a type of stun gun. (TV: They Keep Killing Suzie et al.)
The World Space Patrol used stun guns in the 2060s. Steve Zodiac was armed with one when he investigated an adrift space freighter in January 2065. He was attacked by Batmen as he approached and managed to shoot one of them, causing the rest to retreat further into the ship. Later, while Steve, Doctor Venus and Professor Matic left Fireball XL5 to search a Batman-occupied asteroid, Robert the Robot guarded Fireball with a stun gun. The leader of the Batmen subsequently captured Venus and threatened to kill her if Steve did not disarm Robert and surrender Fireball, forcing him to order Robert to stand down. (COMIC: The Batmen)
The Fourth Doctor claimed to hate stun guns. When Noah shot him aboard Nerva Station, The Doctor awoke minutes later with a splitting headache. (TV: The Ark in Space)