The following is a list of studio sound for Doctor Who.
Season 1[]
- An Unearthly Child - Jack Clayton
- The Daleks - Jack Clayton and Jack Brummitt
- The Edge of Destruction - Jack Brummitt
- Marco Polo - Jack Brummitt, Hugh Barker, and Derek Miller-Timmins
- The Keys of Marinus - Jack Brummitt and Tony Milton
- The Aztecs - Jack Brummitt and John Staple
- The Sensoritrs - Jack Brummitt and Les Wilkins
- The Reign of Terror - Ray Angel and Chick Anthony
Season 2[]
- Planet of Giants - Alan Fogg
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth - Jack Brummitt
- The Rescue - Richard Chubb
- The Romans - Richard Chubb
- The Web Planet - Ray Angel
- The Crusade - Brian Hiles
- The Space Museum - Ray Angel and George Prince
- The Chase - Ray Angel and Brian Hiles
- The Time Meddler - Ray Angel and Brian Hiles
Season 3[]
- Galaxy 4 - George Prince
- Mission to the Unknown - George Prince
- The Myth Makers - Bryan Forgham and Dave Kitchen
- The Massacre - Gordon Mackie
- The Ark - Ray Angel
- The Celestial Toymaker - Alan Fogg
- The Gunfighters - Colin Dixon
- The Savages - Norman Greaves
- The War Machines - David Hughes
Season 4[]
- The Smugglers - Leo Sturgess
- The Tenth Planet - Adrian Bishop-Laggett
- The Power of the Daleks - Buster Cole
- The Highlanders - Larry Goodson
- The Underwater Menace - Bryan Forgham
- The Moonbase - Gordon Mackie
- The Macra Terror - Gordon Mackie and Hugh Barker
- The Faceless Ones - Gordon Mackie
- The Evil of the Daleks - Bryan Forgham
Season 5[]
- The Tomb of the Cybermen - Brian Hiles
- The Abominable Snowmen - Norman Bennett and Alan Edmonds
- The Ice Warriors - Bryan Forgham
- The Enemy of the World - Tony Millier
- The Web of Fear - Ray Angel
- The Web of Fear - David Hughes
- The Wheel in Space - John Holmes
Season 6[]
- The Donimatoes - Richard Chubb
- The Mind Robber - John Holmes
- The Invasion - Alan Edmonds and Bryan Forgham
- The Krotons - John Holmes
- The Seeds of Death - Bryan Forgham
- The Space Pirates - David Hughes
- The War Games - John Staple
Season 7[]
- Doctor Who and the Silurians - John Staple
- The Ambassadors of Death - Brian Hiles and Gordon Mackie
- Inferno - John Staple
Season 8[]
- Terror of the Autons - Colin Dixon
- The Mind of Evil - Chick Anthony
- The Claws of Axos - Dave Kitchen
- Colony in Space - Tony Millier and David Hughes
- The Dæmons - Tony Millier
Season 9[]
- Day of the Daleks - Tony Millier
- The Curse of Peladon - Tony Millier
- The Sea Devils - Tony Millier and Colin Dixon
- The Mutants - Tony Millier
- The Time Monster - Tony Millier
Season 10[]
- The Three Doctors - Derek Miller-Timmins
- Carnival of Monsters - Gordon Mackie
- Frontier in Space - Brian Hiles
- Planet of the Daleks - Tony Millier
- The Green Death - Richard Chubb
Season 11[]
- The Time Warrior - Tony Millier
- Invasion of the Dinosaurs - Trevor Webster
- Death to the Daleks - Richard Chubb
- The Monster of Peladon - Tony Millier
- Planet of the Spiders - John Holmes
Season 12[]
- Robot - John Holmes and Trevor Webster
- The Ark in Space - John Lloyd
- Genesis of the Daleks - Tony Millier
- Revenge of the Cybermen - Norman Bennett
Season 13[]
- Terror of the Zygons - Michael McCarthy
- Planet of Evil - Tony Millier and Brendan Shaw
- Pyramids of Mars - Brian Hiles
- The Android Invasion - Alan Machin
- The Brain of Morbius - Tony Millier
- The Seeds of Doom - John Holmes
Season 14[]
- The Masque of Mandragora - Colin Dixon
- The Hand of Gear - Brian Hiles
- The Deadly Assassin - Clive Gifford
- The Face of Evil - Colin Dixon
- The Robots of Death - Tony Millier
- The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Clive Gifford
Season 15[]
- Horror of Fang Rock - David Hughes
- The Invisible Enemy - Michael McCarthy
- Image of the Fendahl - Alan Fogg
- The Sun Makers - Michael McCarthy
- Underworld - Richard Chubb
- The Invasion of Time - Anthony Philpott
Season 16[]
- The Ribos Operator - Richard Chubb
- The Pirate Planet - Mike Jones
- The Stones of Blood - Richard Chubb
- The Androids of Tara - Richard Chubb
- The Power of Kroll - Richard Chubb
- The Armageddon Factor - Richard Chubb
Season 17[]
- Destiny of the Daleks - Clive Gifford
- City of Death - Anthony Philpott
- The Creature from the Pit - Anthony Philpott
- Nightmare of Eden - Anthony Philpott
- The Horns of Nimon - John Hartshorn
Season 18[]
- The Leisure Hive - John Howell
- Meglos - John Holmes
- Full Circle - John Holmes
- State of Decay - John Howell
- Warriors' Gate - Alan Fogg
- The Keeper of Traken - Alan Fogg and John Holmes
- Logopolis - John Holmes
Season 19[]
- Castrovalva - Laurie Taylor
- Four to Doomsday - Alan Machin
- Kinda - Alan Machin
- The Visitation - Alan Machin
- Black Orchid - Alan Machin
- Earthshock - Alan Machin
- Time-Flight - Martin Ridout
Season 20[]
- Arc of Infinity - Trevor Webster
- Snakedance - Martin Ridout
- Mawdryn Undead - Martin Ridout
- Terminus - Scott Talbott
- Enlightenment - Martin Ridout
- The King's Demons - Martin Ridout
- The Five Doctors - Martin Ridout
Season 21[]
- Warriors of the Dee - Martin Ridout
- The Awakening - Martin Ridout
- Frontios - Martin Ridout
- Resurrection of the Daleks - Scott Talbott
- Planet of Fire - Scott Talbott
- The Caves of Androzani - Scott Talbott
- The Twin Dilemma - Scott Talbott
Season 22[]
- Attack of the Cybermen - Andy Stacey
- Vengeance on Varos - Andy Stacey
- The Mark and the Rani - Keith Bowden
- The Two Doctors - Keith Bowden
- Timelash - Andy Stacey
- Revelation of the Daleks - Andy Stacey
Season 23[]
- The Mysterious Planet - Brian Clark
- Mindwarp - Brian Clark
- Terror of the Vervoids - Brian Clark
- The Ultimate Foe - Brian Clark
Season 24[]
- Time and the Rani - Brian Clark
- Paradise Towers - Brian Clark
- Dragonfire - Brian Clark
Season 25[]
- Remembrance of the Daleks - Scott Talbott
- The Happiness Patrol - Scott Talbott and Trevor Webster
- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy - Scott Talbott