Strawberries were a type of fruit.
Earth and colonies[]
Shortly after materialising in Italy in 64, the Doctor's TARDIS landed near a patch of wild strawberries. (PROSE: Romans Cutaway [+]David A. McIntee, More Short Trips (BBC Short Trips, 1999).)
After serving dinner to Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia in Rome of 101 BC, the Sixth Doctor served strawberries for dessert. Evelyn Smythe pointed out that strawberries were grown in manure. (AUDIO: 100 BC [+]Jacqueline Rayner, 100 (Main Range, Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
Strawberry ice cream was 20th century David Shackle's favourite kind. Carolyn McConnell and Sam Jones bought some strawberry ice cream. (PROSE: Vampire Science [+]Kate Orman and Jonathan Blum, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 1997).)
During one execution, the Kandyman used a strawberry-flavoured Fondant Surprise. It was Helen A's favourite flavour. (TV: The Happiness Patrol [+]Graeme Curry, Doctor Who season 25 (BBC1, 1988).)
Strawberries were among the plants kept in the plant museum near Brittanicus Base. (TV: The Ice Warriors [+]Brian Hayles, Doctor Who season 5 (BBC1, 1967).)
The Seventh Doctor ordered strawberry milkshakes while visiting Iceworld. (TV: Dragonfire [+]Ian Briggs, adapted from Seventh Doctor Audition Tapes (Andrew Cartmel), Doctor Who season 24 (BBC1, 1987).)
The Gardeners of Tellus IV grew blushing strawberries that pulsed in the hand like living hearts. (PROSE: The Secret in Vault 13 [+]David Solomons, BBC Children's Books (BBC Children's Books, 2018).)
When Fenner and Thawn took the Fourth Doctor for questioning, he asked if there would be strawberry jam for tea. (TV: The Power of Kroll [+]Robert Holmes, Doctor Who season 16 (BBC1, 1978-1979).)
Clara Oswald once asked the Eleventh Doctor what time was made of, like how "jam's made of strawberries". The Doctor dismissed the idea that time was made of strawberries as "ridiculous". (TV: The Rings of Akhaten [+]Neil Cross, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2013).)
Behind the scenes[]

The strawberry jelly baby card.
A strawberry jelly baby collectible card is one of 50 collectible cards released as part of series 1 of The Adventure Games, being found in Shadows of the Vashta Nerada.