Strangers in the Outland was a short story published in Tales of Trenzalore: The Eleventh Doctor's Last Stand. It was written by Paul Finch.
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- Eleventh Doctor
- Tiberius Gluck
- Yalala Gluck
- Howzi
- Mowki
- Caleb
- Becca
- Yoshua
- Josef
- Rubin
- Jerema
- Luca
- Felix
- The Autons
- Handles
- The Doctor gets Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett confused, and sings a little of The Ballad of Davy Crockett.
- The townspeople consider the Doctor to have "occasional moments of insanity."
- Caleb has a time dial.
- Moon pine is a tree on Trenzalore.
- The Auton hit squad all resemble the Doctor.
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