Storm of the Sea Devils was the first story of the thirteenth series of The Fourth Doctor Adventures, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by David K Barnes and featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, Christopher Naylor as Harry Sullivan and Eleanor Crooks as Naomi Cross.
Publisher's summary[]
Surgeon Lieutenant Harry Sullivan is supposed to be on holiday. But his arrival in Calcutta is intercepted by someone from the local branch of UNIT - a staff member called Naomi Cross.
A businessman in the area has mysteriously cancelled the opening of his new hotel...and local villagers have reported sightings of 'devils' in the swamps. Devils that look very familiar from the UNIT files...
The businessman requires medical aid so UNIT have decided to send him a doctor. Unfortunately, when Harry and Naomi arrive on site they find a different Doctor has got there ahead of them...And that's just the start of their troubles.
Part one[]
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Part two[]
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Part three[]
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Part four[]
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- The Doctor - Tom Baker
- Harry Sullivan - Christopher Naylor
- Naomi Cross - Eleanor Crooks
- Ramesh Kamal - Silas Carson
- Amita Kamal - Amina Zia
- Arun Haldar - Satnam Bhogal
- Professor Sanjay Billimoria / Captain Sharma - Raj Ghatak
- Shorak - Tracy Wiles
- Taurix - Nicholas Briggs
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- Harry remembers seeing the Loch Ness Monster in the River Thames. (TV: Terror of the Zygons)
- Harry says the Doctor's met Sea Devils before (TV: The Sea Devils)
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External links[]
- Official Storm of the Sea Devils page at