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Stacey Facade was a love wraith from the planet Succuba who travelled to Earth in the early 21st century.


On 5 February, 2019, Giles met Stacey Facade under the London Eye, and Giles fell deeply in love with Stacey. A week later, he recorded a video diary entry, where he spoke about how he loved Stacy and how he suspected his team of being jealous. Later, he and Stacy ate dinner in the Royal Observatory.

A day later, he recorded another video diary where he handed in his notice, and planned to "start a new life" with Stacy somewhere remote like New Zealand. Before this happened Maxie Masters made a "concoction" which counteracted Stacey's pheromones, the power that allowed her to alter Giles' perception. He said her true form was "ghastly". (WC: Stacey Facade [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) Maxie's creation had the unexpected side-effect of permanently preventing Stacey from using her pheromones on humans. Unwilling or unable to leave Earth, Stacey became starved for her psychic nourishment, until she found Lor Anderson, a human whose DNA had become mingled with alien biodata, and whose alien side was still sensitive to Stacey's talents.

Stacey as Michael

Stacey Facade as "Michael". (HOMEVID: Lauren Anderson [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Adopting the appearance and identity of Lor's ex and fellow shapeshifter "Michael Kirkwood", Stacey convinced Lor to move back to London, and began draining her. However, Lor realised what was happening and ran away from "Michael", seeking P.R.O.B.E.'s help. Stacey tracked Lor down just as she was meeting with Giles, who recognised "him" as Stacey. Stacey angrily demanded to be given back Lor to feed on, and began to devolve into a ravenous beast from her hunger. Giles was forced to shoot Stacey, though P.R.O.B.E. were not sure that she was really dead, transporting her body to the Vault. (HOMEVID: Lauren Anderson [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Behind the scenes[]

Although credits and title screens spell the character's name "Facade", the word is properly spelt "façade", as evidenced by its (accurate) pronunciation in the P.R.O.B.E. shorts as "/fəˈsɑːd/".
