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You may be looking for St Louis Bar and Restaurant.

St. Louis was a city in Missouri. The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Susan Foreman visited St. Louis on their road trip across the U.S. in 2006, where they had frozen custards. (PROSE: The Mother Road [+]Gareth Wigmore, Short Trips: Farewells (Short Trips, 2006).)

Gaylord Lefevre once said that he had spent his life in transit between Minnesota and St. Louis. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties [+]Gary Russell, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 1999).)

After the destruction of Gallifrey, the Eighth Doctor was left on Earth in the late 19th century with a note that read, "Meet me in St. Louis, February 8th, 2001. Fitz." (PROSE: The Burning [+]Justin Richards, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2000)., et al.) While this actually referred to a London bar, (PROSE: Escape Velocity [+]Colin Brake, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2001).) the Doctor initially assumed it meant the city. He visited St. Louis three separate times in three separate decades, each time tracking down as many people named Fitz as he could. (PROSE: Father Time [+]Lance Parkin, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2001).)
