A species or sometimes referred to as Kind was a single, distinct kind of lifeform possessing common attributes. The opposite of an entity.
Species arose by the evolutionary process of speciation. (AUDIO: The Case of the Missing Gasogene) According to the Ninth Doctor, the universe was inhabited by countless trillions of species. (AUDIO: Sphere of Freedom)
The Third Doctor claimed that every species had its own weakness. (TV: The Time Warrior)
Shockeye believed that species which were at the top of the food chain, such as humans, had the finest flavour of all. (TV: The Two Doctors)
The First Rani conducted experiments on what she called "inferior species". (TV: Time and the Rani)
The Seventh Doctor claimed that he hadn't seen many examples of species crossing. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen)
The Eighth Doctor implied to Grace Holloway that he had the ability to change into another species when he regenerated. (TV: Doctor Who)
Jabe of the Forest of Cheem carried a metal machine which could identify species. She was shocked when it identified the Ninth Doctor as a Time Lord. (TV: The End of the World)
The Ninth Doctor claimed that the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire encompassed a million species. (TV: The Long Game)
Rose Tyler said that the Ninth Doctor liked to insult species when he was stressed. (TV: The Doctor Dances)
The Tenth Doctor claimed that almost every species in the universe had an irrational fear of the dark. (TV: Silence in the Library)
The Twelfth Doctor asked himself why he couldn't meet a decent species. (TV: Deep Breath)
The Twelfth Doctor told Osgood that she was a credit to her species. (TV: The Zygon Inversion)
The Twelfth Doctor identified at least twenty-seven different species on a London trap street, fifteen of whom were known for aggression. (TV: Face the Raven)