A Dalek reconnaissance scout, known to the Thirteenth Doctor as the Reconnaissance Dalek, demonstrated the ability of spatial shift.
Centuries after its mutant form was split into three pieces, a piece of the Reconnaisance Dalek in Sheffield was accidentally revived by ultraviolet light and proceeded to use a spatial shift to combine with the other two pieces which were contained across the Earth. (TV: Resolution)
The original Defence Drone, created from the remnants of the Reconnaissance Dalek, was capable of spatial shifts. When its impure fellows were all destroyed by the Death Squad Daleks in the 2021 Dalek civil war, it initiated an emergency spatial shift to transport to the saucer of the Death Squad, who detected the shift just prior to its arrival, where it made a vain attempt to appeal for its life. (TV: Revolution of the Daleks)
The Cult of Skaro were capable of temporal shifts, allowing for travel through time as well as space. (TV: Doomsday, Evolution of the Daleks)