Sparta was a city that was a contemporary of ancient Athens. At one point, Sparta conquered Athens. (PROSE: The Brain of Socrates [+]Gareth Roberts, Short Trips: The Muses (Short Trips, 2003).)
Sparta and Athens were at war for many years during the 5th century. Their conflict ended in 421 BC. (AUDIO: The Oracle of Delphi [+]Scott Handcock, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2006)., Mask of Tragedy [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) However, they were at war again by 410 BC. (COMIC: The Chains of Olympus [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
Some time in or prior to the 2nd century BC, the Spartans took the city of Byzantium. (PROSE: Byzantium! [+]Keith Topping, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2001).)
Women in Sparta were trained to be warriors. (PROSE: The Brain of Socrates [+]Gareth Roberts, Short Trips: The Muses (Short Trips, 2003).; AUDIO: Mask of Tragedy [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) When visiting Anaximander's home in Athens, the Fourth Doctor introduced Leela as his wife from Sparta. (PROSE: The Brain of Socrates [+]Gareth Roberts, Short Trips: The Muses (Short Trips, 2003).)