Space Station Camera, also known as Space Station J7, (PROSE: The Two Doctors) was a scientific research space station in the Third Zone of the Mutter's Spiral galaxy.
The scientists Kartz and Reimer conducted time travel experiments on it. Dastari was the station's Head of Projects, and Shockeye of the Quawncing Grig was the chef. On seeing Space Station Camera in 1985 on the TARDIS scanner screen, Jamie McCrimmon was amazed by its size, saying it looked "like twenty castles in the sky". Second Doctor was sent by the Time Lords to investigate the experiments and to have a discreet word with Dastari, however the Sontarans attacked the station as part of Dastari's plan to kidnap the Doctor and to frame the Time Lords. Almost everyone on the station was killed by the Sontarans. (TV: The Two Doctors)
When researching the Second Doctor's brief tenure as a Celestial Intervention Agency agent, a Time Lord author suspected that the space station's security systems catching him on tape had exposed the Time Lords, forcing them to carry out the official sentence and have the Doctor regenerate. (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords)
Behind the scenes[]
- Several sources spell the station's name as "Chimera", likely due to Colin Baker's pronunciation "Kah-mare-ah;" however it is spelled "Camera" in the script.