As the Thirteenth Doctor was tracking an alien incursion in Sheffield in 2018, Ryan Sinclair put out a search for "weird stuff" on social media. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
VOR was involved in social media, among many other things. (TV: Spyfall)
In the late 2010s, ScrapeJane became an internet sensation created by Meredith Pope in an attempt to encourage urban exploration in and around Cardiff. Due to the presence of God, those who believed in ScrapeJane caused her to manifest, and then to kill. St John Colchester and Ng used Meredith's social media platform to convince the followers of ScrapeJane of her fictitious nature, thus weakening their beliefs and conspiracy theories, and allowing ScrapeJane to rest in peace. (AUDIO: ScrapeJane)
The murder of George Floyd was filmed and shared across social media in 2020, sparking protests across American and the United Kingdom. (PROSE: 8.46)
On Finetime and the Homeworld, the bubble was a form of social media made possible by another piece of technology known as the dot. Users of the bubble were fed a continuous visual and auditory interface, a sort of floating screen depicting those they followed using it. Ultimately, many such users grew so engaged with it that they disconnected almost entirely from the real world around them. (TV: Dot and Bubble)
Behind the scenes[]
- The Doctor Who franchise runs a lot of social media accounts.
- Fifteenth Doctor actor Ncuti Gatwa described the episode "Dot and Bubble" as being about the perils of social media and what it can do, Russell T Davies further explaining that in Doctor Who franchise, the metaphor literally becomes a monster you can't see right next to you, literally eating you up. (DOC: Dot and Bubble)