Sitting was a not uncommon activity.
In 1963, Susan Foreman sat on a desk before reading a book on the French Revolution. She later sat in the Cave of Skulls with the First Doctor, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright.
Hur told Za that the old men of the Tribe of Gum said that all he did was sit and rub his hands together whilst Kal brought meat. (TV: An Unearthly Child)
Susan sat at a table in the TARDIS and drew a picture of a flower she saw on Skaro.
The Doctor asked to sit down in the Dalek City due to exhausting himself on the walk from the jungle. After being captured by the Daleks, he was told to sit down on the floor in the control room, as was Susan whilst the Daleks read the note that they made her write. In the detention cell, Ian sat down whilst his legs were paralysed. (TV: The Daleks)
Barbara asked Susan if she wanted to sit down after hurting her neck. The Doctor sat on a bench after Susan's episode with a pair of scissors and later sat in a chair whilst talking about the TARDIS's memory banks. (TV: The Edge of Destruction)
After meeting Marco Polo, the First Doctor sat down in a tent and ate soup. Barbara later asked him to join her in sitting down. Ian complained that he, Marco and Tegana would not find Barbara by just sitting in Tun-Huang way-station. The Doctor, Ian and Barbara sat around a table after being consigned to a tent by Marco and, when they met Kublai Khan, he sat on a throne. (TV: Marco Polo)
On Marinus, Barbara sat with Altos. Kala later told her to sit down whilst they waited for Aydan. In the courtroom, Sabetha pointed at the sitting Eyesen, identifying him as the criminal. (TV: The Keys of Marinus)
Barbara sat on a throne after being mistaken for Yetaxa. The Doctor and Cameca sat together in the Garden of Peace. (TV: The Aztecs)
On the Sense Sphere, the First Elder told the Doctor and Susan to sit in their allocated places. (TV: The Sensorites)
Maximilien Robespierre sat at a desk. In the Sinking Ship, Jules Renan sat with Barbara. (TV: The Reign of Terror)
On Vulcan, Polly Wright sat next to Ben Jackson on a bed. The Second Doctor sat on his bed and held his Five Hundred Year Diary. Later, Polly sat on the floor and watched Valmar repair a power connector. (TV: The Power of the Daleks)
At the Sea Eagle, the Second Doctor sat at Solicitor Grey's desk and had Cedric Perkins sit with him. (TV: The Highlanders)
The Second Doctor excitedly told Ben, Polly and Jamie McCrimmon to sit down and eat upon finding plankton. Ara later sat with Polly and, after they left, the Doctor sat by a fountain and played a tambourine. Jamie and Polly sat by a rock whilst waiting for the Doctor and Ben. (TV: The Underwater Menace)
Dr C. Evans sat down after putting on his helmet. (TV: The Moonbase)
When Medok attacked, Polly told Ben to sit on top of him. (TV: The Macra Terror)
Blade told Polly to sit down in the Chameleon Tours office. The Second Doctor and Jamie sat down and hid behind newspapers to avoid security. Samantha Briggs later sat down with Jamie. The Doctor sat at a desk in air control. (TV: The Faceless Ones)
In his shop, Edward Waterfield sat in a chair. The Second Doctor was forced to sit by a Dalek. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks)
Tegan Jovanka, Vislor Turlough and Susan Campbell sat on chairs in the TARDIS console room whilst the First and Fifth Doctors talked. (TV: The Five Doctors)
Victor Kennedy was sat down in his office when he used his Vaio brand laptop to find the LINDA website, using a handheld device to trace their location before absorbing his secretary. (WC: Tardisode 10)
After being absorbed by Kennedy, actually the Abzorbaloff, Bliss' face ended up embedded into his buttock and was thus compressed into the seat of the chair he was sat on, unable to speak. Straining to reveal herself to her fellow LINDA members searching for her whereabouts, Bliss was allowed to announce "I said, you really don't want to know!" as the Abzorbaloff tilted to one side to let out a loud fart before promptly sitting back down. Finally, after Bliss gave a muffled warning for Elton Pope to run, the Abzorbaloff swiftly leaped from his chair to absorb him. (TV: Love & Monsters)
Donna Noble chose to "turn left" rather than remain sitting in a traffic jam. (TV: Turn Left)
The Eleventh Doctor was sat with River Song when he used regeneration energy to heal her broken wrist. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)
Liz Shaw, Jeremiah O'Kane and Peter Russell sat and drank tea at the Hawthorne Clinic after perihelion was thwarted. (HOMEVID: The Zero Imperative)