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The Shrivenzales were large predators native to Ribos. They had acute hearing and were able to detect ultrasonic sounds. A colony of shrivenzales slept in the catacombs of Shur during the day and hunted smaller prey on the tundra at night.

The Ribosians kept a small shrivenzale to guard the crown jewels of Shur during the nighttime. Garron and Unstoffe used drugged meat to render it unconscious while they placed a lump of jethrik - which was actually a piece of the Key to Time - in with the crown jewels as part of their con. (TV: The Ribos Operation)

In the 30th century, Fenn Martle usually wore an expensive five piece shrivenzale-skin suit when out of his Adjudicator robes. (PROSE: Original Sin)

Behind the scenes[]

Shrivenzale Origins

Shrivenzale (ORIGINS 2)

A redesigned Shrivenzale was on Origins #2 Cover A by Abigail Harding.
