The Seventh Cyber-Fleet was a Cyber-Fleet that formed a part of the Cyber-Empire of the CyberNeomorphs. New Mondas served as their base, as it did for the rest of the Empire.
The crew of one of the Seventh Cyber-Fleet's Cyber-ships successfully invaded a cruiser; they killed half of its crew and began to cyber-convert the rest. However, before the ship's Cyber-Leader could report the progress of the conversions to New Mondas, two Silver Daleks attacked the Cyber-ship and exterminated the Cybermen onboard. Instead of also exterminating the partially-converted crew members, the Daleks chose to complete the crews' conversions into Cybermen, before installing an Oblivion Continuum into each Cyberman's chest unit. The Daleks then allowed the hijacked Cybermen to return to New Mondas, where they were used to destroy Cyber-Command and, by extension, the Cyber-Empire's Cyber-Controller, allowing the Daleks to take control of what remained of the Empire. (COMIC: Cyber Crisis)