A servant was a character in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth.
In an early draft of the play, they first appeared in Act II Scene V when they encountered the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe within Macbeth's castle. They inquired if the trio were the travellers who had lately arrived. Jamie responded cryptically and asked why the servant wanted to know. They replied that "King" Macbeth required their services which constituted the trio's discovery of Macbeth's usurpation of the throne after he murdered the previous King. The Doctor and Jamie followed the servant, leading in the next Act. The servant appeared in Act III Scene I, set in the castle throne room, though did not speak. The servant made their last appearance in Act V Scene III where they notified Macbeth that there were ten thousand English soldiers, amassed by Malcolm and Macduff to remove him from the throne, outside the castle. (PROSE: The True Tragedie of Macbeth)