Scissors paper stone was a game that involved hand shapes and the terms "stone", "paper" and "scissors". The game usually involved two players, who would simultaneously form one of three shapes with an outstretched hand that resembled either a stone, paper, or scissors. A player who picked paper would beat a player who had chose stone ("paper wraps stone"), one who picked stone would beat someone who picked scissors ("stone blunts scissors"), and a player who picked scissors beat one who picked paper ("scissors cuts paper"). If both players opted for the same shape, the game was tied.
After shooting Ruslan's laser drill with her gun, River Song said that he must have been bad at scissors paper stone. (AUDIO: The Sonomancer)
The Fourth Doctor and Romana once played this game to demonstrate the cause of the stalemate of the Dalek-Movellan War. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks)
The Eighth Doctor and Chantir played rock paper scissors while they were imprisoned. (COMIC: The Forgotten)
The Fourth Doctor won against the Tenth Doctor by choosing stone to blunt the Tenth Doctor's scissors. (AUDIO: Out of Time)
Behind the scenes[]
The Fourth Doctor and Romana play rock paper scissors, also known as scissors paper stone, in the episode Destiny of the Daleks. However, the game would not be referred to by name until The Sonomancer.