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School trip

A school trip was a school-organised outing for students.


Polly Wright went on school trips to the British Museum. (PROSE: The Underwater Menace)

Ianto Jones went on a school trip to Cardiff Castle as a child, where he got lost. (AUDIO: Outbreak)

Hex went on a school trip to Venice that he did not enjoy, believing that everything was wet and smelled like rubbish. (AUDIO: Nocturn)

Rose Tyler went to Derbyshire on a school trip. (COMIC: Monstrous Beauty)

In an alternate timeline where Earth was the only planet to exist, Amelia Pond went on a school trip to a museum that housed the Pandorica, where she touched it and revived her dying older self, who was contained inside of it. (TV: The Big Bang)

Yasmin Khan and Ryan Sinclair went on a school trip to the Natural History Museum in Year 7, where they had an encounter with the Myriapods and the Second Doctor, an event that they had wiped from their memories. (PROSE: The Myriapod Mutiny)

In 2009, Clyde Langer recalled going on a school trip to the village of Whitebarrow. (TV: Enemy of the Bane) Later that year, Park Vale Comprehensive School's class 11T went on a school trip to the International Gallery to see the Mona Lisa. (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)

In 2010, Rani Chandra reminded Clyde of when they went on a school trip to the Circle, a nature reserve in Ealing. Clyde claimed that it was the most boring day of his life. (TV: The Empty Planet)

Other references[]

On the planet Midnight, Donna Noble commented that the journey aboard the Crusader 50 bus would be like a school trip. It was for this reason that she chose to go sunbathing at the Leisure Palace spa, leaving the Tenth Doctor to take the trip alone. (TV: Midnight)

In the 51st century, Cleric Angelo told Christian that they were not on a school trip when he insisted he come and see something he had found. Unbeknownst to Angelo, Christian had been killed by a Weeping Angel and used his voice to lure him. (TV: The Time of Angels)
