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A salesman was present in the London Silver Vaults when it was robbed by Mr Steelman's gynoids in 2066.

Firstly, one gynoid entered the Silver Vaults and asked if she could see some Georgian candelabra. The salesman acknowledged her request and told her to follow him but soon afterwards five more identical women arrived in the Vaults. Having learnt to act first and question later, he took a precautionary step and operated a control which electrified the barrier around the more valuable silver. Turning back to his customer, she hypnotised him with her eyes meaning he was powerless to do anything when the robots broke through the barrier with ease and stole the silver.

Later in the day, he was visited by Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, who was investigating the crime. He told her of the culprits' invulnerability to the voltage on the doors as well as the flat, monotonous voice of the girl he had spoken to. All of this led Lady Penelope to suspect her old enemy Mr Steelman, a hunch which was eventually proved to be correct. (COMIC: The Great Silver Robbery)
