SV72 was a Super-Voc that worked for the Kaldor Bionetwork.
When Tula Chenka came to access the network it told her there would be a reset of the information stored on the network to align with the new software contained in the Enhancement Chips. This included files the Company didn't want to keep on record, including the Data Wraith incident.
It then logged Tula onto the Network but when she asked to see the Data Wraith file SV72 denied her sccess. It calibrated and she should try again in three days. When Tula asked to scan for files related to the the destroyed Super Voc production plant SV72 found 18,400,000 results. It then started playing her the Company audio files.
After reviewing the files SV72 unexpectedly terminated Tula's session and shut down the Network. Afterwards when Tula was leaving with Graf Kirran she instructed SV72 to completely close the Network and speed up the deletion process by 48 hours, it complied. (AUDIO: The Enhancement)