Rosse was a character in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth.
He first appeared in Act III Scene IV when he attended a banquet hosted by Macbeth. During the feast the ghostly figure of Banquo tormemted Macbeth which prompted him to proclaim "my skin is blanch'd with fear". Rosse asked if he was alright but was told by Lady Macbeth to stop this line of questioning as he grew "worse and worse". She instead ended proceedings prematurely by telling Rosse and the other guests to leave.
Rosse later defected and joined the English army which Malcolm and Macduff had amassed in order to remove Macbeth from the throne. He appeared in Act V Scene IV, set in Great Birnam Wood, though did not speak. Their forces were ultimately victorious with Macbeth "fight[ing] and los[ing]" due to not realising his men were outnumbered until it was too late, unpreparedness which was caused by his misinterpretations of the Weird Sisters' prophecies in Act IV. (PROSE: The True Tragedie of Macbeth)