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Rosalita was a Puerto Rican who lived in New York City in 1888.

She had a son, Joseph, with her husband Henry, who was abusive to the both of them. She left their shared apartment to make a new life with her son. Once the Great White Hurricane began on 11 March, 1888, she left her son Joseph with her neighbours so she could go out to find food. During this time, she slipped and broke her leg, forcing her to go to Presbyterian_Hospital where she met Barbara Wright and an injured Ian Chesterton. She expressed concern for Joseph and the neighbours, who did not expect her to be gone for any longer than an hour. Barbara and Ian agreed to help her get home, only to discover that Henry had arrived earlier and taken Joseph. They eventually tracked Henry to a broken-down train and managed to convince him to return Joseph to Rosalita. She thanked Ian and Barbara for their help, before returning home with plans to make amends with Henry for the sake of their son. (AUDIO: The Great White Hurricane)
