At some point between the Dalek Chronicles' arrival to Earth and their full publication in 2094, Richard Jennings, "soon joined" by Ron Turner, worked on visualising the alien story-cubes into a form that humanity could understand, cooperating with translators Alan Fennell and David Whitaker. Jennings was responsible for the visualisation of most every story-cube, though his colleague Eric Eden was responsible for the "impressive" visualisation of the portion of the histories dealing with the Archives of Phryne. (PROSE: The Dalek Chronicles Found!)
The Confounding Case of the Planetary Prankster • The Pernicious Plots of the Big Game Hunter • The Dangerous Dilemma of the Dream Doorway • Assassin on the Railroads • The Curious Case of the Weirdling Woods
Some categorisation may be based upon conjecture. Real world information should not enter into this. Additionally, a character's role in the DWU can differ from the real world - their placement here is for categorisation.