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Richard Hope-Urwin was a shapeshifter. Trey Korte referred to him as a pseudomorph. He appeared human whilst on Earth, but his natural form was fluidic, resembling an amoeba. He was also telepathic.

He started a company in the late 20th century called CalMed 1. It was ostensibly an online database where diagnoses could be submitted by people, and recommendations made on where and with whom they should get treatment.

However, this was a cover. He was working for the Hirudon Conglomerate, which was part of the tri-planet alliance of Calfedoria. They were stealing blood and internal organs for cloning. After several centuries, they would return to sell the technology to grow fully cloned disease-free humans.

When Korte was sent to read his mind for C19, Korte immediately recognised he was an alien. What he did not sense was Hope-Urwin reading his mind. Hope-Urwin chose not to kill him, instead leaving Earth to carry on his activities on other planets. (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness)
