Ria was an android companion built by the Eighth Doctor during the Last Great Time War . He built her to be the "perfect companion", to tell him that what he was doing during the Time War was right. They met Bernice Summerfield and River Song on a planet with a large alien ruin. In reality, the planet was a Prototype TARDIS that took a form resembling the remains of the Time Lord homeworld of Gallifrey . She was badly damaged and "died" when a group of scavengers attempted to salvage resources from the supposed Planetary remains. (AUDIO : Lies in Ruins )
Behind the scenes [ ]
Companions of the Eighth Doctor Television
Single-adventure Narratively ambiguous
Travelling Single-adventure Occasional adventures Single multi-adventure story
Travelling Single-adventure Occasional adventures
Travelling Single-adventure Occasional adventures Single multi-adventure story
If a medium is not mentioned, then this incarnation did not have companions who were original to that medium; it does not mean that this Doctor failed to appear in that medium.