Revenge of the Nestene was "Chapter 21" of the original novelisation for Rose, written by Russell T Davies and narrated by Jacob Dudman. It was released in 2020 as a sequel to the television story Rose for the Doctor Who: Lockdown! watch-along series. Later, it was published as the fifth story in the anthology Adventures in Lockdown.
Part of the Nestene survives in the form of a Pierrot clown. It enters Westminster and merges with the body of someone killed in the destruction, who has ambitions of power, creating a new being, and deciding to take revenge on the Doctor.
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- The Consciousness remembers "the day Nestenia fell" in the Time War.
- The London Eye has fallen into the River Thames.
- The Consciousness wants to form an alliance consisting of the Doctor's greatest enemies, including Daleks and Cybermen.
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- This story was first released as an audiobook of sorts, narrated by Jacob Dudman, and then published as a text by Russell T Davies on his Instagram. Mirroring Doctor Who and the Time War, the latter release framed this as an excerpt — Chapter 21, "Revenge of the Nestene" — from the fictitious pages 198-203 of Davies' 2018 Rose novelisation.[1]
- The cover included with this second release was a slight edit on the original Target novelisation cover, which was illustrated by Anthony Dry. Davies credits Richard Atkinson with designing the pages themselves, which visually present as a direct continuation to PROSE: Rose.[1]
- In the audio release's credits, Big Finish Productions is given "special thanks".
- While the man that the Auton becomes at the end of the story is not named outright, all-but-confirmed to be Boris Johnson through the description of the man. Boris, at the time of the story's writing, was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.[2]
- One "nugget" of the Nestene Consciousness has survived the Ninth Doctor's anti-plastic. (TV: Rose)
- The Nestene Consciousness considers starting an alliance with the Doctor's greatest enemies, including the Daleks and the Cybermen, in order to finally defeat him. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)
- The Nestene Consciousness enjoyed a romance with the Embodiment of Gris. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan, PROSE: Cold Fusion, et al.)
- At the edge of the Time War, the Nestene encountered 100 Gallifreys, 1,000 burnt out Skaros, and a dozen Earths, taken from different moments and used as weapons in the War. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Time War)
- The Nestene recognised Earth from an "old campaign". (TV: Spearhead from Space, Terror of the Autons)
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