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You may be looking for lizard person or lizardkind.

Reptile people, (PROSE: From Wildthyme with Love [+]Paul Magrs, Iris Wildthyme (Snowbooks Ltd, 2013).) also known as lizard people, (PROSE: Teddy Sparkles Must Die! [+]Paul Magrs, The Missy Chronicles (BBC Books, 2018).) were a race of flesh-eating humanoid reptiles who resided in Earth's Core. (PROSE: From Wildthyme with Love [+]Paul Magrs, Iris Wildthyme (Snowbooks Ltd, 2013)., Teddy Sparkles Must Die! [+]Paul Magrs, The Missy Chronicles (BBC Books, 2018).)

In some accounts, the name of "lizard people" (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]various authors, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).) and "reptile people" were also terms for Silurians. (PROSE: The Little Planet [+]Malcolm Hulke, DWPM short stories (Marvel Comics, 1995)., The Behemoths [+]DWPM short stories (Marvel Comics, 1995).)


In 1925, Teddy Sparkles took Esme, Jack and Peter on an adventure at Earth's core, where they came across the flesh-eating lizard people. Missy reluctantly saved them while riding on the back of a giant Robot Badger. (PROSE: Teddy Sparkles Must Die! [+]Paul Magrs, The Missy Chronicles (BBC Books, 2018).)

In 1969, or at least in Paul Magrs's dream, the "peculiar lizard men" began massing in caverns deep below Earth's surface. (PROSE: In the Sixties [+]Paul Magrs, Twelve Stories (Salt Publishing, 2009).)

In 1971, Mike signed the Official Secrets Act after lizard men were found under Wenley Moor. (PROSE: Mrs Frimbly's Festive Diary [+]Paul Magrs, Christmassy Tales (2020).)

Around this time, the lizard men warred against the Ape Primitives who had stolen their planet from them. They were encountered by Iris Wildthyme, who had to stop MIAOW from committing genocide on them. She also came across a dashing old gentleman resembling Peter Cushing during the same adventure. (PROSE: From Wildthyme with Love [+]Paul Magrs, Iris Wildthyme (Snowbooks Ltd, 2013).)

Behind the scenes[]

The reptile people are a clear allusion to the Silurians, though they are not identical, as much of the lore surrounding the reptile people was inspired by Journey to the Centre of the Earth and At the Earth's Core.
