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Religious Education

Religious Education, or R.E., was taught in English schools, at least in the 1960s (PROSE: Time and Relative [+]Kim Newman, Telos Doctor Who novellas (Telos Publishing, 2001).) and 1980s. (AUDIO: The Rapture [+]Joseph Lidster|Joseph Lidster]], Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2002).)

While Leslie Culver was a Bible-reading "R.E. swot", Susan got in trouble at Coal Hill School for saying that Religious Education was just "history with more blatant fibs" as she was much better on the Gods that came from Outer Space than the ones people made up so they could feel better. She was sent to Mr Carker's office. (PROSE: Time and Relative [+]Kim Newman, Telos Doctor Who novellas (Telos Publishing, 2001).)

Around this time, RE at Coal Hill School was taught by Joseph Liebermann. (PROSE: Matrix [+]Robert Perry and Mike Tucker, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 1998).)

Ace only "very occasionally" attended her R.E. classes. (AUDIO: The Rapture [+]Joseph Lidster|Joseph Lidster]], Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2002).)
