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Raven was a shade of black named after a bird.

Sara Kingdom had raven hair, (PROSE: Top Secret) as did Moldox resistance fighter, Stephanie. (PROSE: Engines of War)

Jenny Flint wore a raven black skirt with her sapphire blue waistcoat, white shirt, and ebony black cravat when she and Vastra helped Clara Oswald who was struggling to accept the Twelfth Doctor. (TV: Deep Breath)

The Third Doctor wore a raven black bow tie during the First Omega Crisis. (TV: The Three Doctors)

The Fourth Doctor wore a frock coat of taupe tweed with a raven black velvet collar when foiling the Kraal's plan to conquer Earth with androids on 1980, (TV: The Android Invasion) during his first encounter with Morbius and the Sisterhood of Karn, (TV: The Brain of Morbius) during his first encounter with Krynoids, (TV: The Seeds of Doom) when facing a Rutan scout during the Fang Rock Incident, (TV: Horror of Fang Rock) when first meeting Professor Marius and K9 Mark I when facing the Nucleus of the Swarm on the Titan Base of the Bi-Al Foundation round 5000 AD, (TV: The Invisible Enemy) when foiling Kroll, (TV: The Power of Kroll) when foiling the Black Guardian, (TV: The Armageddon Factor) when facing a reawakened Davros during a war between the Dalek Empire and the Movellans, (TV: Destiny of the Daleks) when helping his past and future selves foil the Tremas Master and Autons as well as when he witnessed Adam Mitchell's fall, (COMIC: Endgame) when facing Scaroth, (TV: City of Death) and when helping his past and future selves foil a fleet of Mark VII Daleks and saving Gallifrey during the end of the Last Great Time War. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

The Ninth Doctor wore a raven black jumper with a v-neck collar under a double-breasted peacoat of plain black leather, (TV: Bad Wolf) right up to his end after the Battle of the Game Station involving a Dalek Fleet including their Emperor and his Elite Guard. (TV: The Parting of the Ways) His successor, the Tenth Doctor, spent his first hours in his raven jumper and peacoat. (TV: The Parting of the Ways, Born Again, The Christmas Invasion)

The Eleventh Doctor wore a single-breasted waistcoat of raven black velvet with a notched collar and a double fob chain of gold during his travels with Valarie Lockwood; (AUDIO: The Inheritance-Victory of the Doctor) most notably when dealing with the New Dalek Paradigm including Special Weapons Daleks. (AUDIO: Daleks Victorious-Victory of the Doctor) He also wore it during his first encounter with Weapons-Grade Cybermen during the Battle of Hedgewick's World of Wonders, (TV: Nightmare in Silver) when helping to foil the Tremas Master and witnessing Adam Mitchell's fall, (COMIC: Endgame) when he faced the Great Intelligence on Trenzalore, (TV: The Name of the Doctor) and during the Siege of Trenzalore. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The Twelfth Doctor wore a single breast frock coat of raven black velvet. (TV: The Pilot, Thin Ice)

A feminine version of the Doctor with a bald head and dark skin wielding a flaming sword wore a raven black waistcoat. (PROSE: Rose)

Jo Grant wore a raven black bodysuit when she resisted the UNIT Master's hypnotism and helped to reveal the Dalek Empire's Operation Divide and Conquer. (TV: Frontier in Space)

Amy Pond wore raven black shorts when she first meets Silurians during the Cwmtaff incident. (TV: The Hungry Earth|Cold Blood)

Martha Jones wore raven black tights when she meets Jack Harkness and Chantho well as Professor Yana, a human form of the War Master; (TV: Utopia) and when she learns Harold Saxon is the new Master. (TV: The Sound of Drums)

Donna Noble wore raven black jeans during her adventures with the Fourteenth Doctor. (TV: The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder, The Giggle)

Clara Oswald wore a raven tank top when she gained mental control of Bonnie, a Zygon rebel posing as her. (TV: The Zygon Inversion)

The Fifteenth Doctor wore a mint green cardigan with a beige trim and stripes done in mustard yellow, scarlet, and raven black. (TV: The Church on Ruby Road)

Ruby Sunday wore raven trousers on her trip to Kastarion 3 during 5087. (TV: Boom)

Nyssa wore a raven mini-skirt while Peri Brown wore a raven blazer. Liz Shaw wore a raven cardigan. Romana II wore raven trousers. (TV: Dimensions in Time)

Mrs Peace wore a raven black jabot up to her death on 1869. (TV: The Unquiet Dead)

Kate Stewart wore a raven black trenchcoat during the 1562/2013 Zygon Invasion of Earth. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

John Ellis wore a raven trenchcoat when he landed in 21st century Cardiff. (TV: Out of Time)

Shirley Bingham wore a raven blouse and trousers when she met the Toymaker, and also when she witnessed the bi-generation of the Doctor's fourteenth and fifteenth incarnations. (TV: The Giggle)

Melody Pond wore a raven black leather jacket as Mels Zucker. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

Artie Berger, a piano musician, wore a raven black waistcoat with a charcoal grey blazer and a chestnut brown trenchcoat when helping to capture a sound monster on 1946. (AUDIO: Fright Motif)

The War Master wore a raven black waistcoat with a silver fob watch. (AUDIO: Masterful)

Diagoras wore a double-breasted blazer of raven pinstripe as did Dalek Sec when he fused with him to become a Human Dalek during the Human Dalek Incident. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)

The Half-Face Man wore a raven top hat during the 1890s. (TV: Deep Breath)

The Spae Wife wore a double-breasted frock coat in crimson with raven black lapels and cuffs as well as gold trims in 19th century Ireland. (AUDIO: Feast of Fear)  

Joseph Chambers, the Cabinet minister entrusted with the safety of the destructor codes for all the world's nuclear missiles, wore a smoking jacket done in burgundy with raven black trims and a shawl collar when the K1 Robot killed him on orders from the Scientific Reform Society. (TV: Robot)

Sergeant Paterson wore a raven black beret during the Tremas Master's Survival Stratagem and his encounter with Cheetah People. (TV: Survival)  

The Abzorbaloff wore a double breasted overcoat in ebony black with raven black fur on the collar when posing as Victor Kennedy. (TV: Love & Monsters)

In Donna's World, UNIT berets were raven black. (TV: Turn Left)
