qQqa=mo+rna=t was a Metatraxi swarmleader that was an agent of the Celestis. In year F83 of the Kroton-Metatraxi war, qQqa=mo+rna=t and its six-drone escort ran into the Fifth Lattice near Qu2101. During this encounter, E-Kobalt planted a crystalline spore on the hull of qQqa=mo+rna=t's ship. Two days later, when qQqa=mo+rna=t was near Qu2296, E-Kobalt detonated the spore, destroying the swarmleader's ship and seemingly killing it.
qQqa=mo+rna=t was among a procession of "Mictlan's finest" that greeted the Eighth Doctor when he visited Mictlan. (PROSE: Alien Bodies)