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Ptolemy Lagus, later known as Ptolemy Soter, was a general under Alexander the Great and became king of Egypt after Alexander's death.
Ptolemy was a friend of Alexander the Great. The two of them met the First Doctor, Susan, Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton in Babylon in 323 BC, and they were all present at Alexander's death. (AUDIO: Farewell, Great Macedon)
Alexandria was built by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. Ptolemy thought it one of his most brilliant creations. After the death of Alexander in 323 BC, Ptolemy planned to return to Alexandria, also intending to build the largest library in the world in Alexander's honour. (AUDIO: Farewell, Great Macedon) Upon his arrival, he declared himself King of Egypt, using his possession of Alexander's body to found his own dynasty. During his time as King he freed the Jewish people from slavery, changing his name to Ptolemy Soter (Soter meaning saviour in Greek). (PROSE: The Book of Shadows)
He built a lighthouse at Alexandria. (COMIC: Voyager)
According to Barbara Wright, the Ptolemaic line gave rise to some of the world's most learned scholars, astronomers and mathematicians. (PROSE: The Book of Shadows)
Alternate timeline[]
In an alternate timeline in 331 BC, while still a general, Ptolemy met an amnesiac Barbara Wright. An alien named Rhakotis had just crashed in the area, and only Barbara could understand him.
Ptolemy and Barbara became close and they married and had a son named Ptolemy Philadelphus. By 332 BC, Alexander had died and Ptolemy had become king. In that year, he learned of a woman who looked just like his queen. It was a younger version of Barbara, whom he brought to meet his wife.
Ptolemy's position as king was in jeopardy, as Perdiccas was felt by many to be the rightful heir to Alexander. Ptolemy's friend Arrhidaeus tried to assassinate him, but Ptolemy killed him instead.
During the uprising, Ptolemy had Rhakotis use his spaceship to scare the soldiers into laying down their arms. When soldiers arrived, Ptolemy fought with a soldier, and they killed each other.
The timeline was erased when Barbara read from The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey which unwound time and reverted it to its original state. (PROSE: The Book of Shadows)
The Eleventh Doctor said Ptolemy couldn't see anything on the psychic paper, meaning he was a genius. The Doctor then said it was a sheet of papyrus so it didn't count. (COMIC: Ripper's Curse)