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Pterodactyls and the closely related pteranodons were two species of winged reptile native to Earth in its early history.


There were numerous species of pterosaurs, ranging in size from small (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs [+]Malcolm Hulke, Doctor Who season 11 (BBC1, 1974).) to ones with forty-foot wingspans. (PROSE: Blood Heat [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1993).) No one knew how they took off from the ground to fly. (PROSE: EarthWorld [+]Jacqueline Rayner, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2001).)

The genus properly called Pterodactylus was quite small, about the size of a chicken. They had bald heads and flappy, leathery wings; they fed principally on freshwater fish and small, flying insects. By contrast, the Pteranodon was "almost the size of a small aeroplane" and a carnivore which would snatch up terrestrial prey, either for its own consumption or to bring to its ever-hungry young. (PROSE: The Doctor Who Dinosaur Book [+]Terrance Dicks, Target Books (1976).)


Pterodactyls lived during the Jurassic period, approximately 150 million years before Jago and Litefoot's time. The pair encountered one when they accidentally travelled to this time period. (AUDIO: The Monstrous Menagerie [+]Jonathan Morris, Jago & Litefoot: Series Seven (Jago & Litefoot, Big Finish Productions, 2014).) The Fourth Doctor and his companion encountered a few Pterodactyls during an exploration of the Earth of around 177 million years before the 20th century, with one attempting to "dive-bomb" the Doctor. Later, having moved forward to "just" 75 million years in the past, they met the much larger Pteranodons, with the time travellers soon having to run from a voracious mother, ending up confronted with a view of the sea and some of its own reptilian predators as they reached the edge of a cliff in their flight. (PROSE: The Doctor Who Dinosaur Book [+]Terrance Dicks, Target Books (1976).)

A weaponised, genetically modified breed of Pterosaurs with armour-like scales were bred by the Silurians. They were utilised in Grand Marshal Jastrok's 2010s siege of Great Britain. (AUDIO: United [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

One type of Pterosaur was brought to the 1970s during Operation Golden Age. They were used for general chaos and to help guard the Operation's base. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs [+]Malcolm Hulke, Doctor Who season 11 (BBC1, 1974).)

In an alternate universe, an especially large type of Pterosaur were used by the Silurians as steeds. With a forty-foot wingspan, they could easily carry a Silurian. They were used as war steeds in times of battle and would cling to the side of the airships. (PROSE: Blood Heat [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1993).)

A Pterodactyl later named Myfanwy came through the Cardiff Space-Time Rift to Cardiff in the 21st century. It was captured by Torchwood Three and kept as a mascot at the Hub. (TV: Everything Changes [+]Russell T Davies, Torchwood series 1 (BBC Three, 2006).)

On New Jupiter, EarthWorld had a Pterosaur in its Prehistoric Zone. (PROSE: EarthWorld [+]Jacqueline Rayner, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2001).)

In 2010, Pterodactyls were some of the prehistoric creatures brought into Sydney by chronal waves caused by the SKARDIS. (COMIC: The Age of Ice [+]Dan McDaid, DWM Comics (Panini Comics, 2009).) [[File:Pteranodons.jpg|thumb|left|Pteranodons in Hyde Park (TV: The Wedding of River Song [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 6 (BBC One, 2011).] In an alternative timeline in which all of history happened at once, Pteranodons were considered to be vermin. They were found in places such as Hyde Park and would chase people. (TV: The Wedding of River Song [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 6 (BBC One, 2011).)

Pterodactyls were among the species placed aboard the Silurian Ark to repopulate the Earth with once the catastrophe the Silurians incorrectly predicted had passed. Flocks of Pteranodons were known to live in the Ark's beach-like environments.

The Ark's Pterodactyls were presumably sent to the planet Siluria by the Eleventh Doctor in the 24th century after he stopped the Ark from returning to Earth. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship [+]Chris Chibnall, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2012).)

The First Rani genetically modified Pterodactyls to attack Koturians and bring her black blood and tissue samples from them. Sometimes they would also bring back the whole individual for her experiments. The Sixth Doctor recognised them as the work of the Rani thanks to the gold sheen on their wings. (PROSE: Something Borrowed [+]Richelle Mead, Puffin eshort (Puffin Books, 2013).)

Pterosaurs were also native to the planet Raxas, and along with the other Raxas dinosaurs, proved to be more than a match for a Dalek attack. They picked up Daleks, grabbing them between their feet, flying high into the air and dropping them to their deaths on the rocks below. (PROSE: The Battle for Raxas [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Similar creatures[]

The homeworld of the Spidrons was inhabited by pterodactyl-like creatures, which attacked the Third Doctor shortly after he arrived there. (COMIC: Nova [+]Gerry Haylock, TVC comic stories (Polystyle, 1973).)

A zoo on an unnamed planet acquired a pterodactyl or a pterodactyl-like creature. (COMIC: The Didus Expedition [+]TVC comic stories (1966).)

Terrordactyls were pterodactyl-like creatures native to the Great Space-Time Void. (GAME: The First Adventure [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Tamed pterodactyl-like creatures were used on Anhaut as riding mounts. (COMIC: The Return of the Daleks [+]Steve Moore, DWM backup comic stories (Marvel Comics, 1979).) Pterodactyls were also used as riding mounts in the Yssgaroth's universe. (PROSE: The Pit [+]Neil Penswick, adapted from Hostage, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1993).)

Vortisaurs were creatures living in the Time Vortex which were similar to pterodactyls. The Eighth Doctor and Charley travelled with one called Ramsay for a while. (AUDIO: Storm Warning [+]Alan Barnes, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2001).) They were forced to release Ramsay back into the wild after several failed domestication attempts. (AUDIO: Minuet in Hell [+]Alan W. Lear and Gary Russell, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2001).)

The Perrincott were a pterosaur-like species native to the planet Senkus Sha. (PROSE: Prehistoric Peril [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Behind the scenes[]

[[File:Doodle pteranodon.jpg|thumb|A Pterodactyl soars across the river with the First Doctor in its claws. (GAME: Whodle)]] A Pteranodon appears in the Doctor Who -themed Google doodle game. If the player goes to the egg which is hidden in a bush (returning it to its nest), the Pteranodon will later help the Doctor cross the lava river to get back to his TARDIS.

Pterodactyls from Dinosaurs on a Spaceship appear as enemies in the video game Doctor Who: Legacy.

External links[]
