Prologue: The Seventh Doctor was one of several prologues to the miniseries Supremacy of the Cybermen, published by Titan Comics.
A warning is being spread through a Cyber-Fleet, a warning that the Doctor has infiltrated them. On one of the ships, the Seventh Doctor is setting up a Nemesis mine, as he has done on the other ships. With the push of a button, he'll be able to destroy the entire fleet. Suddenly, a Cyberman enters the room, proclaiming it has found the Doctor. However, the Cyberman just stands there, doing nothing. When the Doctor asks why it hasn't eradicated him yet, the Cyberman calls him, "Professor", revealing that the Cyberman is a converted Ace.
- This story was published in 10DY2 13.
- The events seen here are a result of the mass invasion of time and space by the Cybermen, who have allied with Rassilon. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)
- Ace recalls memories of before she was converted. (TV: The Age of Steel, Death in Heaven)
- Ace is unaware of her conversion and acts as she did before, similar to Bill Potts. (TV: The Doctor Falls)
- It is shown that, having confronted the Doctor, the cyber-converted Ace proceeded to attack the Doctor. Ultimately, this perversion of history was negated when the Twelfth Doctor and Rassilon restore the timeline. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)