Prologue: The Second Doctor was one of several prologues to the miniseries Supremacy of the Cybermen, published by Titan Comics.
In the sick bay of the Moonbase, the Second Doctor is giving his speech about terrible things brewing in the corners of the universe. Polly notices something is wrong as the Doctor is giving the speech. When he gets to the part about how "they must be fought", the Doctor turns to face Polly and Hobson, revealing that he has been partially converted into a Cyberman, replacing "they must be fought" with "they must be like us".
- This story was published in 11DY2 11.
- This is an alternate version of the events of The Moonbase.
- The events seen here are a result of the mass invasion of time and space by the Cybermen, who have allied with Rassilon. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)
- The conversion of the Second Doctor consists of some Cyber-tech grafted onto the left side of his face. The tech looks identical to the Cyber-tech grafted onto the Eleventh Doctor when he was partially converted at Hedgewick's World of Wonders. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)
- This perversion of history is ultimately negated when the Twelfth Doctor and Rassilon restore the timeline. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)