Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Terms of Use, also just called Disclaimer, was the fourth feature and tenth release exclusively published on the U.N.I.T. website on 18 April 2005[1] by the BBC webteam. The page acted as an in-universe disclaimer issued by UNIT, though at the bottom of the page there was a real disclaimer issued by the BBC, which was later revised to highlight the fictionality of the website after the United Nations requested they be dissociated from UNIT and Doctor Who.
This webpage on the UNIT website legally absolves UNIT, the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce as formed by UN Charter in Geneva in 1968, from any injuries one may obtain from using the site. They give a list of possible bodily inflictions that could occur:
- Injury
- Death
- Personal harm
- Damage
- Alarm
- Seizure
- Catalepsy
- Cataclysm
- Armageddon
- Apocalypse
- Sepulchasm
- Maiming
- Disappearance
- Reappearance
- Alteration
- Reprogramming
- Vision loss
- Temporal imparment
- Glitterclysm
The page also states that if you are injured or otherwise affected in ways not listed, then one can reach a local UNIT office, and one must fill in either a Code Red Form A1010103 or Code Green Form B106798, then a local area officer will provide advice; if one experiences temporal incursion beyond the listed, then one must fill in Special Form Blue Delta-12. It is noted that other forms are available, and that those forms must be counter-signed by two field officers.
It is also stated that if one doesn't complete one of the former two forms fully, changes can be made to an individual's statutory rights, though it does not apply to the third mentioned form if one marks the box entitled "No Complications", as it means the individual marking it accepts Special Powers Act (UNIT) paragraph 3-12 and may be issued a D-Notice.
Finally, it is written that UNIT field stations are staffed 24 hours a day, are qualified in space medicine, and have officers and cars on standby to respond to any call.
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