A prison ship was a vessel used as a prison.
Cessair of Diplos was transported in a prison ship by the Megara. (TV: The Stones of Blood)
A human slave of the Daleks on Skaro referred to having been captured from a space shuttle, with the rest of the crew kept in a prison ship in space. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks)
In the Qetesh society, those who were condemned to exile would be placed in sphere-shaped prison ships, where they would be trapped for eternity with only a game system for company. (TV: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith)
The Genesis Ark was a dimensionally transcendental prison ship created by the Time Lords to house millions of captured Daleks during the Last Great Time War. (TV: Doomsday)
The Black Maria 9 was a prison ship which existed at some point prior to 2065, when it crashed onto an asteroid in hyperspace with a human gangster as the only survivor. (COMIC: The Batmen)
In the 51st century, a prison ship entered orbit over the planet Alfava Metraxis to beam up River Song, then an inmate of the Stormcage Containment Facility, following the crash of the Byzantium. (TV: Flesh and Stone)
The Eleventh Doctor discovered a Minotaur who fed on faith in a prison ship, the God Complex, disguised as a 1980s Earth hotel. (TV: The God Complex)
Other references[]
The Tenth Doctor suggested that a Pyrovile pod was a prison ship. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii)