Pretty Lies was the first story in the audio anthology Casualties of War, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Guy Adams and featured John Hurt as the War Doctor and Jacqueline Pearce as Cardinal Ollistra.
Trapped and desperate, light years from their armies at the heart of the Time War, the War Doctor and Cardinal Ollistra discover that wherever they go, destruction follows. A war reporter named Schandel may provide the key to their escape, but it is often said that the first casualty of war is the truth. When the choice between grim reality and a hero’s story means life or death, will the Doctor allow Schandel to print the legend?
to be added
- The War Doctor - John Hurt
- Cardinal Ollistra - Jacqueline Pearce
- Schandel - Joseph Kloska
- Editor / Old Man - Mark Elstob
- Sera Marvelle / Spokesperson - Julia Hills
- Dalek Time Strategist / The Daleks - Nicholas Briggs
- Schandel's time ship's next destination was set to be Grend.
- Delta Squad is a Dalek unit.
- The Doctor and the War Ollistra assemble four teams of natives: Shield team 1, Shield team 2, Shield team 3 and Shield team 4.
- The Daleks destroy Space Station Delta 49.
- The story features a Dalek Taskforce Commander, whose name resembles that of the Dalek Task Leader shown in the 1965 non-narrative The Dalek World feature The Dalek Task Force.
- This story was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra on 11 March 2023.[1]
- This story follows on from the end of AUDIO: Eye of Harmony, with the Doctor and Ollistra being stranded far away from Gallifrey, without the Doctor's TARDIS. However, some time has passed since Kalan's death.
External links[]
- Official Pretty Lies page at