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Planning poster

A poster featuring the word "planning". (TV: School Reunion)

A plan referred to one's strategy for carrying out an objective.

The Doctor[]

While Clara Oswald believed that "people always have plans", the Eleventh Doctor flagged himself as the exception. (TV: The Bells of Saint John) The Daleks believed that the Doctor always had a plan and were hesitant to open fire on him in case he had some manner of failsafe to turn against them. (TV: The Time of the Doctor, AUDIO: The Enigma Dimension, PROSE: Father of the Daleks)

The Master[]

Upon regenerating, the Saxon Master mocked the Tenth Doctor by stating that, unlike their prior clashes, he would not be explaining his plans to the Doctor. (TV: Utopia) The Spy Master later mockingly referred to his alliance with the Daleks as "The Master's Dalek Plan". (TV: The Power of the Doctor)


At the onset of the Thal-Dalek battle, the Daleks of the Dalek City discovered that they had evolved to become dependent on radiation and planned to flood the atmosphere of Skaro with nuclear waste. (TV: The Daleks, AUDIO: The Lights of Skaro) Fifty cycles later, when Susan was exploring the derelict Dalek City, she discovered its floor plan. Comparing the layout to its electrical grid allowed her to deduce the existence of the incubation level, leading the group to discover the Daleks' new plan of weaponising the network of ionising towers. (AUDIO: Return to Skaro)

The Time Destructor Incident was referred to by the Time Lords as the "Dalek Masterplan incident". (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide) By the time of the Twelfth Doctor's regeneration, he kept a VHS tape of the Daleks' master plan in his TARDIS. The Daleks, by contrast, had lost their record of their master plan. (PROSE: Twice Upon a Time)


A purple poster in the Deffry Vale High School staff room included the word "planning" in white text. (TV: School Reunion)

During Truth or Consequences's attempted takeover of Earth, the Twelfth Doctor spoke to Bonnie and asked her what her plan was, even joking that the word planet was chosen to remind would-be conquerors to "plan it". When in the Black Archive, the Doctor concluded that Bonnie did not actually have a long-term plan. (TV: The Zygon Inversion)
