Peter Alan Tyler (born 15 November 1954) was a parallel universe counterpart of N-Space's Pete Tyler, who was the father of Rose Tyler and husband of Jackie Tyler. (AUDIO: The Endless Night)
Pete met Jackie Prentice at Stuart Hoskins's party, where she vomited on his shoes. They were a couple for a year, and saw A View to a Kill for their first date, although Jackie wanted to see The Breakfast Club. Pete and Jackie once went to a Shakin' Stevens concert together, and missed the last bus, walking home together in the snow. They split up after Jackie believed that Pete was flirting with another woman.
Pete married Daphne Booth. The couple planned to have children, but were unable to. Daphne died of a degenerative disease, leaving Pete a widower.
A year after his wife's death, Pete met his counterpart's daughter, Rose, who had travelled to his universe from another parallel world via a dimension cannon. She claimed to be "Rose Smith" from "Legacy Hounds" and asked him questions pertaining to a potential inheritance from distant relatives, including detailed questions about his family and relationship with Jackie. Pete began to question Rose's true intentions, and she left in a hurry.Later that night, Pete travelled to Jackie's house. He confronted her, having noticed Rose's resemblance to Jackie and himself, and believing her to be his biological daughter that Jackie had kept hidden from him. Jackie clarified that she had never given birth; when Pete questioned her familiarity with Rose’s appearance, she revealed that Rose was currently at her house.
Pete and Jackie confronted Rose, who then claimed that she was organising a reunion for the guests who had attended Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clark's wedding. They were interrupted by Clive Finch, who called their attention to the news that the Sun had gone dark around the world. Pete tried to go home, but was unable to cross the Thames, which had been blocked off due to riots around London. Unable to find a room at a hotel, Pete returned to Jackie's house, staying there for the night alongside Rose and Clive.
The following morning, Pete woke Rose up and listened to news of the continuing crisis. After the announcement that the Sun had indeed burned away to nothing and humanity was doomed, Rose revealed her identity as the daughter of Pete and Jackie's N-Space counterpart. She attempted to bring back Pete, Jackie, and Clive with her to "Pete's World", but was cautioned not to do so by Pete's counterpart in that universe. Pete and Jackie stole Rose's travel disc and held her hostage in an attempt to flee their own universe. Pete confronted his counterpart via Rose’s phone, but made no progress toward activating the dimension cannon. Eventually, Jackie began to sympathise with her counterpart's worry about her daughter's whereabouts and snuck sleeping pills into Pete’s drink. Once he had passed out, she gave the disc back to Rose.
After Rose and Clive fled to Pete's World, Pete and Jackie spent their remaining time together, finally rekindling their love after twenty years. (AUDIO: The Endless Night)