- You may be looking for Dr Pepper.
Pepper was a food seasoning.
Vespiforms were allergic to the active ingredient in pepper, piperine. The Tenth Doctor laced the soup at Eddison Manor with pepper in order to catch a Vespiform. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp [+]Gareth Roberts, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008).)
On the Sea Eagle, the Sixth Doctor tried to hide in an empty barrel, except that it was actually full of pepper and it made him sneeze, alerting pirates to his presence. (AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pirates [+]Jacqueline Rayner, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2003).)
Exploiting his four-foot long throat, a sword swallower was among the performers at the Intergalactic Fringe Festival. He would salt and pepper his swords for effect. (AUDIO: War Stories [+]Patrick Ross, Short Trips (Big Finish Productions, 2024).)