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Missing information from The Woman Who Fell to Earth.

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Peak District

The Peak District was an area of England. Rose Tyler's cousin Mo lived in the Peak District. (TV: The Christmas Invasion, PROSE: Stamp of Approval) Rose said a postcard from her would have cost a fortune before the Penny Black was invented. (PROSE: Stamp of Approval)


Castleton wsa located in the Peak District. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man?)


In the Summer of 2004, GPW and their two children visited Castleton. The two children were rescued by the Ninth Doctor from, seemingly, lizard people. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man?)

In 2016, Miss Quill wondered if Dorothea Ames's metaphysical engine "buzzed [her] atomically" to the Peak District. She pointed out the area's relative proximity to Coal Hill Academy by saying, "There are trains for that." (TV: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did)

In September 2018, Tzim-Sha's transport pod landed in a forest in the Peak District. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth)


Upon landing on Ashtallah, Ian Chesterton mistook it for the Peak District. (AUDIO: The Invention of Death)

Behind the scenes[]

