Oregon was an American state. At one time, it was the site of a Silurian base, which the US branch of UNIT dispatched militarily. UNIT also had a listening post somewhere in the foothills of the Columbia Plateau at which David Arthurs and Bob Decker were stationed during the 1970s. (PROSE: The Devil Goblins from Neptune [+]Martin Day and Keith Topping, BBC Past Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 1997).) In the early 21st century, ozone depletion caused environmental damage in Oregon. Tessa Mancuso had a cousin there. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead [+]Andrew Cartmel, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1992).) On another occasion — on or just after Miracle Day — television station WNKW reported it to be the site of a death that turned out to be a hoax. (TV: The New World [+]Russell T Davies, Torchwood series 4 (Starz, 2011).)