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Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame was a Cathedral in Paris, France.


According to the First Doctor, construction began in the latter half of the 12th century and was only completed three centuries later in 1575. (PROSE: The Massacre)

It could be seen from the window of Reinette's Paris bedroom in 1727. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace)

In 1858, Eldritch Valdemar fell from the roof of the Notre Dame after the girls he formerly controlled turned on him. (COMIC: The Screams of Death)

The Ninth Doctor broke into Notre Dame in 1946. (AUDIO: Fright Motif)

The Fourth Doctor and Romana II walked past the Notre Dame after the randomiser took them to Paris in 1979. (TV: City of Death)

After Dean knocked a Neanderthal unconscious at a fancy-dress party in Bromley, his friend Tony told him he didn't know who it was but joked "I think Notre-Dame's missing a bell-ringer. (PROSE: Only Human)

Unlike most of the Earth, the Notre Dame Cathedral was left untouched during the Year That Never Was. When the time came to help the Tenth Doctor, a number of surviving humans gathered in front of the ancient building and chanted the word "Doctor", allowing him to rejuvenate himself. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)
