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Nobby was a friend of Rhys Williams. He rescued Rhys, along with Gwen Cooper and her co-workers, when they found themselves trapped during The All-Night Zombie Horror Show.


Nobby worked as a helicopter pilot for the Coastguard.

Married, Nobby was involved in an incident with a cocktail waitress and a bottle of vodka. It was an incident for which he owed Rhys a favour.

Rhys called Nobby for help when he and Gwen Cooper found themselves trapped in an attic on Lloyd George Avenue during the Cardiff zombie outbreak.

Nobby took a Coastguard helicopter without proper authorisation. He used it to airlift Gwen and Rhys, along with Keith, Naomi and Jasmine Samuels, to safety.

He flew the group to St Helen's Hospital, where he rescued Gwen's boss and his friend, who were surrounded by "zombies", from the roof of the Torchwood SUV. He dropped Rhys, Gwen, Jack and Ianto on the hospital roof and waited with the Samuelses for their return.

Nobby was quickly growing tired of Naomi when he received a further call from Rhys. Rhys told him that the situation was over and that he could go home, promising him that Gwen's boss would make sure he wouldn't get into any trouble, and might even receive a commendation. Nobby took off from the hospital roof and returned the Samuelses home. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead)


Nobby described Rhys as "a good mate and all" but felt that asking him to steal the chopper was taking his friendship a little too far. In the end, it was a choice for Nobby between his job and his marriage. He also had feelings for "gorgeous Gwen" which clinched Nobby's involvement. His ringtone was the theme tune from The A-Team.
