Information from The Last Party on Earth needs to be added.
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No Hot Ashes was a R&B band formed by a group of friends based in the Powell Estate, including Mickey Smith. (PROSE: Meet Rose [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Annual 2006 (Panini UK, 2005)., Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).) For a day in March 2005, the band was renamed after much deliberation to Bad Wolf, inspired by graffiti seen in a car park on Jordan Street. However, this name did not last, as the band members decided this was bad luck after the 5 March 2005 incident. (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).)
The band was run "mostly" for the laughs, as the band had no real musical ambition outside of playing at the Lamb & Flag once a month for £60. They rehearsed in the garage where Mickey Smith worked, and they often hung out in Mickey Smith's flat. (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).)
By sometime around 2002, "Fittest Boy" Jimmy Stone played the bass guitar for the group, but he seemingly quit when he left to live with Rose Tyler in a bedsit. (PROSE: Meet Rose [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Annual 2006 (Panini UK, 2005).)
By one account, Mickey Smith was the heart and leader of the band, (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).) before leaving Earth to join the Tenth Doctor on his travels. (TV: School Reunion [+]Toby Whithouse, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).) Later on, Cleo Proctor asserted that Sally Salter had been the leader of No Hot Ashes, becoming somewhat of a local celebrity. (AUDIO: Ghosts [+]Doris V Sutherland, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022).)
Mickey also played the bass guitar for the group, and Big Bone Bill was able to fill in for Mickey. Other members included Sally Salter, Mook Jayasundera, and Patrice Okereke. (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).)
The band was called No Hot Ashes, (PROSE: Meet Rose [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Annual 2006 (Panini UK, 2005)., AUDIO: Ghosts [+]Doris V Sutherland, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022).) though the name was later decided to be "rubbish", and upon the band's gig at the Brook in Camden, the members decided to "relaunch the brand", as suggested by Patrice, going through many names, including: Mickey and the Mooks, Family Hold Back, The Byzantine Exploration, Best Day Ever, Carbon Footprint, The Dazzlers, Glitch, Bum, If, Hope of the Hopeless, Bad Karma, Bad Future, Bad Timing, Bad Echo, Bad Dogs, and Bad Wolf. Bad Wolf was suggested by Sally after she saw the words graffitied on the car park on Jordan Road. It was the name that was ultimately chosen, though the band ditched it within a day due to them considering it to be bad luck following the a bad gig at the Brook and the 5 March 2005 incident. (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).)
Jimmy Stone was the bass guitarist in the group in around 2002. (PROSE: Meet Rose [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Annual 2006 (Panini UK, 2005).)
On 5 March 2005, they had a gig at the Brook in Camden, £100 for thirty minutes, and they spent the morning in the kitchen of Mickey Smith's flat coming up with a new name. They met up later a 6pm for a sound check. That night, Mickey Smith didn't show up, as he had been taken by the Autons, and they were left to get Big Bone Bill to fill in. Their perfomance didn't go well, as the audience was sparse during their performance, with people only showing up to see the performance of Three Brothers from Dulwich, and they heard the applause for the band "they'd never had" in the corridor.
After their gig, Big Bone Bill had driven the drums and kit home in his van, leaving the rest of the group to wander to the Cellar Lights bar on Old Compton Street, as Patrice knew a barman there who could give them a few free drinks. However, they witnessed a trio of Autons break out of a shop window and brutally kill its owner, and the group fled. They were followed by the trio of Autons, who were joined by a group of childlike Autons who had peashooters as their weapons, and the group fled down an alleyway. However, the alley was a dead end, and they couldn't escape through any of the doors as the people inside had lokced them tightly shut, and they prepared for the worst as the Autons drew closer, however, Rose Tyler had defeated the Nestene Consciousness just at the right time, sending the advancing Autons to fall to the floor. The group then set out to raid anywhere that stocked medical supplies so that they could help those wounded. (PROSE: Rose [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Rose (Russell T Davies), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2018).)
In 2022, when Cleo Proctor and Shawna Thompson entered a sandwich shop to get a coffee, they received many telephone calls from the past, one of them being from a schoolfriend of Cleo's asking if she "[knew when] No Hot Ashes [was] playing". Cleo believed that No Hot Ashes had stopped "existing" by that point. (AUDIO: Ghosts [+]Doris V Sutherland, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022).)