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Nervil was a young human that worked as Mrs Tinkle's assistant at AAAGH, an agency that found jobs for unemployed monsters.
His and Mrs Tinkle's earliest known job was employing a Sontaran to fix a flat tyre for Shirley the magician. (COMIC: AAAGH! 204)
One Monday morning, he accompanied a Judoon as they tried out to be Lady Gaga's bodyguard. (COMIC: AAAGH! 205)
Behind the scenes[]
Nervil's precise age is left unclear throughout the strip's run. Although his physical appearance would suggest an adolescent, his seeming full-time employment at AAAGH, as well as one strip depicting him attempting to find a romantic partner on a TV dating show, where all of his potential matches are unambiguously grown women, would suggest that he is older than he looks.