A moustache was a growth of facial hair between the lip and nose.
Jack Harkness sported a moustache in the 1970s. (TV: End of the Road)
The Fifteenth Doctor had a black moustache (PROSE: "Heroes of Time" [+]Part of Whotopia: The Ultimate Guide to the Whoniverse, Simon Guerrier, Una McCormack and Jonathan Morris, BBC Books (2023).) from the moment he emerged from the Fourteenth Doctor's bi-generation. (TV: The Giggle)
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart had a moustache when he was a colonel during his first encounters with the Second Doctor, (TV: The Web of Fear, The Invasion) and continued to do so when he was a brigadier helping his third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, ninth, and tenth incarnations. (TV: Spearhead from Space-Battlefield; COMIC: The Warkeeper's Crown)
Ian Gilmore had a moustache. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks etc.)
Captain Cook, an intergalactic explorer, had a grey moustache up to his death. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)
The Pied Piper had a small moustache when posing as Spellman, director of Spellman's Magical Museum of the Circus. (TV: The Day of the Clown)
Charlie Chaplin sported a moustache during his acting career. Adolf Hitler would later sport the same style of moustache, leading to comparison between the two men's appearances. (COMIC: Me and My Shadow) Oliver Hardy also sported a similar moustache. (WC: Doctors Assemble!)